Prophecies from individuals tha seem to know more about the future, can give us insight into what to expect through this time of change.
Changes in Humanity
When the world is returned to We The People, we will be operating with God’s Law and Evil will be a word of the past.
2024-Year of Awakening
The Great Awakening is here now. It is 2024, and people are waking up to the evil we have seen. Our laws are not being respected and evil seems to want to run the world.
Listen Inside
When answers are difficult to come to you, close your eyes and release the question by imagining the answer gently tapping on your shoulder.
Remember Red Skelton?
Remember when? This is a memory from many people’s past. Let’s discuss how not saying The Pledge of Allegiance has changed our world.
Master Success By Making Everyone A Winner
You need a positive attitude to take advantage of the law of success. Time For Change
Great Awakening
Truth is part of this time of Great Awakening. Maybe we will be able to move to Peace Worldwide. The Truth Shall Set Us Free
New Year changes
The New year changes are upon us. Are you living in truth and learning about your freedom, then you understand about the changes coming in the next few years.
Lion’s Gate Portal 2023
The Lion’s Gate is a great time of Spiritual Awakening. Take the time to appreciate what you have and absorb the internal energies that are so filling our space at this time.
Grounding-Natural Healing
Grounding or Earthing can eliminate pain, and make life better for living your life better and hopefully longer in a healthier body.