Education, Environment, Economic Potential
Answers Come From Connections
New problematic issues were raised in 2020 and we are still trying to find solutions in 2021.
I want to share some information that I recently learned about; how communities are getting together to find answers.
Through and Generation-to-Generation, I was introduced to several programs designed for communities to find solutions to area problems, by working together; using the valuable diversity of their population’s age groups.
Bringing generations together to solve problems can offer insight into many of the education, environment, and economic potential problems that our local communities and world are experiencing today.
Did you know that: Every Minute 10,000 people turn 65 years old?
This Video is truly an inspirational story from Mr. Greene.
We are living in a time of change. As we move through our lives, we have seen changes in how society functions.
Divisions in age groups, strictly due to the dynamics of life over the past few years has changed the relationships we have with the older populations.
Collaboration between generations today could be the problem-solver for tomorrow.
Many of us have had mentors throughout our lives that have made a difference in our future. Learning from others is a great way to learn.
Apprenticeships and internships offer students ways to learn from experience and we all know what a great teacher experience is to our growth.

Communities, large and small, are experiencing new challenges. There may be needs that are not being met for the local residents, no matter the age group. Working together to find answers is something that can change what is happening around us.
Through sharing new ideas, with open minds, ready to find the best solutions; and by adding the elder wisdom with the new, innovative technology available today, we create new, possibilities for finding the best answers.
Our solutions are more likely to solve problems with better outcomes for the future through a generation-to-generation approach.
Recently, I learned more about this organization. Finding answers through the connections of our generations could be the truth to what we should be doing to help humanity and life on our planet.
The time to work together is now. We see the world is open to change at this time.
What can you offer to create the changes you would like to see in our world today?
Do you remember this question from the Miss America Contest:
“How Would You Create World Peace?”

Thank you for reading
Consider Education, Environment and Economic Potential
What Would Be Your Answer? Your Passions & Ideas Are Important.
Please share. D Foster and Friends