Edgar Cayce – God’s Love

prayer, meditation, Edgar Cayce

Prayer and Meditation: Pathway To God’s Love

Prayer and Meditations are so helpful to all of us as we move through these times of change. Many thanks to special individuals, like Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce gave us many new directions to investigate in our lives.

“God’s Kingdom Is Within You”

Edgar Cayce, Prayer, Meditation

Edgar Cayce emphasizes the importance of Prayer and Meditation together. He brings together the importance of the body, mind and soul within us. Our Connection with the higher self comes from our belief in God and his space within each one of us. It is sometimes difficult for us to understand his meaning, because his speech sometimes reverted to the type of speech we read in the bible.

We learn from Cayce the importance of our breath and how to connect to the essence of God’s love within us. We must shed the negativities that we may be feeling from the experiences from the human connection and direct our inner feelings of love directly from the God within us. We must learn to cleanse our surroundings, and learn to purify our own body and mind. Once we have cleansed ourselves we should sit or lie comfortably, with no distractions. We are doing our part to reach our own “inner sanctuary”, where our connection to God can be without the daily distractions of our human frailties.

Edward Cayce – Discover The Pathway To God’s Love

Our Inner Sanctuary – Where We Can Connect Directly With God In Spirit and Truth

As discussed in the video, Edgar Cayce’s approach to connecting directly with God, follows a path of cleansing, releasing, prayer, including asking for protection and guidance, personal affirmations, quietly listening and receiving, understanding that we are strictly acting as a channel for God, our Creator’s connections. Our meditations continue with sharing our experience of atunement with others you are aware that need such assistance, through God’s will, and also bringing in our personal concerns to share with God. As explained in the video, if you do not receive what you had hoped from this or a particular experience, you may leave but leave with expectations that your results will come, directly from our Creator, at another appropriate moment.

As you return to your daily routines of life, continue with the essence of the atunement within you, evenly within your body. Continue living within the fruits of God’s Love, such as peace, love, respect, caring for others, etc., within your body. Make effort to understand your personal ideal of living a life, respectful of God’s love. The video explains this in greater detail and helps you to understand your personal connection to your personal understanding of what “ideal” means to you and how you can personally reach such ideal goals.

There are more exact details within the description of the video, but seeing written words on this blog, may help you get started; and, hopefully, remember the process that Edgar Cayce used with his many psychic healings and connections over the years.

The Great Awakening – A Biblical Time In History

Connecting with God is an important factor, especially today. Many of us are experiencing The Great Awakening and understand that this current time period is a very Biblical time in the history of mankind.

Understanding that this time in our History is very Biblical, makes some of us wonder a couple of very important questions,

God, Edward Cayce, Love
God, Edgar Cayce, Love

Thank you for reading and sharing this article and Much Love, Protection and Happiness for the future of our planet and those living upon it.

Peter R

A true patriot that believes in our Freedom and Liberty. Ready to share necessary information to keep the Constitutional form of action alive and well in our country.

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